Well, since I've never introduced myself (except on deviantART, natch), I'd better do that now. The name's Paulwe (which I should really change - I've been using it since I was 7), and I write a peculiar mix of orchestral (Hollywood soundtrack style), 8 bit, and techno (actually, some of it's closer to club) music. The songs I've uploaded are just the ones I don't mind people using in games 'n' stuff, by the way. If I write something that I want to distribute under a slightly stricter licence, I'll post about it.
Anyways, in the past I've used mainly (OK, exclusively) GarageBand (which I'll upgrade to Logic as soon as I get the money, hint hint nudge nudge) for composing stuffs. But I'm planning on using some kind of tracker (or, I dunno, a pseudotracker like renoise) for my next project.
For the uneducated, that means I have to program in EVERY SINGLE NOTE, just like writing a computer program.
That's not to say I can't do it because I don't know how. I just don't have the attention span.
Well, I'm going to try anyways. Wish me luck.
EDIT: Nevermind about the Logic thing (for now), I think Apple is screwing around with it's products too much. WHY DID YOU HAVE TO GET RID OF THE FREAKING JAM PACKS?! Anyway, the upshot of that is I might use Reason or FL Studio or something to that effect.