(this is going on both my Newgrounds and deviantART profiles because it applies to both)
So. I have uploaded almost nothing since school started and that's basically because I'm swamped with homework. I honestly don't have any time for any sort of fun whatsoever, what with the quickly approaching deadlines and all.
SO. I will be on very little until the end of term. When term ends, then I will go on an uploading burst to compensate. Some things I'm planning on working on are: (these are things that could go on either account depending on the media type. the stuff with question marks may or may not happen)
* More 8bit stuff.
* Some techno.
* A suite/symphony thing?
* More short stories.
* More photos.
* A novel?
* A photo book?
* A short story collection?
* A poem collection? (most likely in the same volume as the short story collection)
So as you can see I will be very busy until about Christmas.
Ta ta for now!